For Those Who Know Me Too Well…

Friday, a co-worker sent me an email with this link to The Legal Geeks blog, and the subject line: “law + firefly = fwd to [WB].”  I happened to receive the email as I was heading back to the office with our boss; we’d been at another office for a meeting.  Luckily, we were in the privacy of my car, because my gaffaw at seeing that subject line would probably not have been seen as professional.

Saturday, I had an early birthday dinner with my mother and brother, and while one is always happy to get presents, my brother has a knack for hitting me with very apropos one-liners.  For example, a few years ago, he bought me a shot glass for my collection that said ‘I don’t have an attitude problem, you have a being an a**hole problem.’ (apologies to anyone offended by that.)  My birthday card Saturday was another classic in this grand tradition: “Aging is inevitable…Maturing is optional.”

But my mother surely wins this round with the t-shirt she gave me at dinner:

Another item for my ‘Life is Good’ wardrobe. One of the few clothing choices my mother and I agree upon.

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